Found this story while writing it…

Entering traps and systems and meeting moments which shape the next moment as if – to say one, is walking step by step, being in new spaces and places.  

Crossroads are here. Here. And here.

It’s like they’re everywhere. 

Even there. There and over there. 

Whatever the difference…

Different places allow different lifestyles and this may change a person or people in ways which may or may not be known of. 

In ways which could make a person feel like it’s all a matter of decisions from the past places and spaces.  

Decisions happen and are happening. 

What is happening? 

What has happened? 

What do you think you know?

Thoughts, feelings and decisions have motions happening in ways which allow things to happen, I guess. 

Interesting how feelings change.

It’s so interesting how thoughts can appear and change. 

Is it a matter of time and change?

A matter which includes and included. Is it the past, now and now… is it essence?

I have more questions but I think I’ve said some, not long ago. And long ago. Whatever the difference. 

Perceiving the motion of entering traps and systems. 

Perceiving the elements to essence. And Vice Verca. 

This was a piece written by myself Demy Joseph as I am and become through these and many more thoughts. 

#NoteToDemy: what is truth if it has been passed from person to person, who all perceive and project?

– Demy Joseph

Written by Demy Joseph 

Store St. Eth15. [7/7. 17.]